We all must have at least once or more occasions in our lives where we indulge in satisfying our food cravings. We might stop eating sometimes. Sometimes it goes out more than just simply cravings, and the moment you know you have already gone too far with your Eating, start your Binge eating mode.
We often binge for various reasons beyond just cravings; people may binge eat because of sadness, and hormonal changes in women cause them to create certain foods. Or our bodies sometimes demand more food. Sometimes we may stop eating out of sadness, a low mood, or simply a disease.
Eating disorders are medical and behavioral conditions that differ from Binge eating.
The Eating disorder causes disturbed eating behaviors such as continuing Binge eating in excessive amounts and eating less than normal amounts. When Binge eating, they eat more than normal people, to the point where they excessively gain weight, or they eat less than normal people to the point of starving themselves.
Eating disorders are serious medical conditions. It can affect a person drastically, affecting their physical appearance and mental well-being.
Statistics on Eating disorders in the U.S.
Approximately 9% of the total U.S. population is affected by Eating disorders in their lifetime, which is almost 28.8 million people. Women are five times more likely to have Eating disorders by the time they reach their 40s, with 15 of them suffering from these untreated medical conditions. Regardless of age and gender, it can affect anyone.
Eating disorders should be treated as early as possible. If left unchecked, it can drastically destroy a person’s physical and mental health.
Causes of Eating disorders
Causes of Eating disorders are usually linked with other mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse.
It exists as a comorbid disorder; comorbidity means a person can have more than one mental or medical condition.
However, Eating disorders can exist without the presence of other comorbid disorders.
Genetic causes and family history
Genes also play a role in the development of Eating disorders. Certain genes carry the factors responsible for causing Eating disorders. If there is a family history of pregnancy depression in the family, there are chances that genes will be passed onto future generations. This can also be true for people with no family history of the disorder.
Distorted self-image
Eating disorders can also be caused by a distorted self-image. People with an extremely low sense of self-esteem might have low self-confidence, which can make them dislike their bodies. Unrealistic societal standards may make a person feel like an outcast, unworthy, or unattractive. This can occur at any age. However, teenagers are more likely to suffer from this.
Types of Eating disorders.
Common types of Eating disorders are:
Anorexia, or Anorexia Nervosa, is a type of Eating disorder where a person doesn’t eat properly because of a fear of gaining weight. As a result, because of its extremely low nutritional value, the person with Anorexia is dangerously thin, starving to death. People with Anorexia nervosa develop an unrealistic standard for having a body goal and will do anything to not gain it. They cut back on any type of calories, exercise too much to the point of exhaustion, use laxatives, deliberately vomit, etc.
Anorexia is one of the most severe cases of an Eating disorder that drastically affects the body and mind, causing severe health conditions.
Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia, or Bulimia nervosa, is an Eating disorder in which people, after Binge eating, try to purge or reverse the effects of eating to maintain weight. The habit of restrictions makes them hungry again and again. The cycle of binging and restrictions goes on again and again.
In Bulimia, the feeling of shame because of a large amount of Binge eating makes them have some restrictions such as starving, exercising too much, using laxatives, and deliberately vomiting.
Binge-Eating disorder
Binge eating disorder includes episodes of unhealthy Binge eating, often in an extremely large amount. It is not followed by purging. However, because of guilt and shame, people restrict their food intake to compensate for weight gain.
Bulimia nervosa, Binge-eating disorder, and Anorexia nervosa are types of Eating disorders that are life-threatening disorders.
Do I have an Eating disorder?
Eating disorders can be diagnosed based on certain Eating disorder symptoms.
Potential Eating disorder symptoms are common to see.
- Periods abnormally stop.
- Hair becomes brittle.
- Brittle nails
- Dizziness or fainting
- Dehydration
- Weak muscle
- Acid reflux in the stomach
- Belching
- Heartburn
- Constipation and bloating
- Weak bones
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty in concentrating
Some symptoms only occur because of vomiting after eating full meals in a Binge eating disorder.
How Eating disorders treated?
Eating disorders can be treated using a combination of medications, psychological counseling, and nutritional counseling.
For recovery from Eating disorders, medicines are a crucial symptom of the disorder and treat health conditions caused by poor eating habits. Americans, like anti-depressants and nut anxiety, might treat additional cases of depression and anxiety.
Psychological counseling
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
The mental healing process can use a variety of techniques, depending on the patient’s previous treatment history. Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves addressing a person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Therapy works by determining precisely what factors are influencing a person’s mood and causing insecurity about their weight. It is an effective intervention for Eating disorders.
Rehabilitation programs might help with substance addictions, such as alcohol and drug abuse. Such programs ensure the fast recovery of health conditions.
Other therapeutic programs, such as Group therapy and Support groups, help to deal with stress caused by Eating disorders and how to manage it effectively.
Nutritional counseling
Nutritional counseling involves changing the unhealthy eating habits of people. It helps in making the right food choices, reducing excessive exercise, purging, and stopping Binge eating. It helps by monitoring the national-level health requirements of a person and having a healthy body image.