Barriers of Treatment-Resistant Depression

Treatment-Resistant Depression

Depression is not something to be glorified! It is sometimes restricted by the barriers of society, such as being lonely, feeling sad, being off-beat, Monday blues, etc.

Depression is not just about feeling down because of the gloomy weather or being teary about missing the first show of your favorite movie!

Depression is a mental condition that affects people on a global scale. It affects an individual both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Depression is also known as a persistent feeling of sadness that doesn’t seem to end. It has the power to wreak havoc on your soul, catching us off guard in the vicious cycle of hopelessness, guilt, and agitation.

Millions of people are affected by depression every year globally. Severe cases of depression often lead to suicide when things get out of hand.

Despite being so widespread, depression can be permanently treated with effective intervention with the help of medication and psychotherapy. The recovery rate of depression is fairly high when detected early and timely with the appropriate treatment plan. However, in certain cases of depression, individuals are found to be resistant to treatment, making it difficult to improve the condition. These can be termed treatment-resistant depressions.

What is treatment-resistant depression?

Treatment-resistant depression is one of the forms of major depressive disorder. Major depressive disorders are a cluster of disorders that produce symptoms of depression. For it to be diagnosed, the period of depression must occur in episodes lasting at least two weeks. Treatment-resistant depression is such a depressive episode that is not easily treated by medical treatments. These forms of depression are resistant, and symptoms tend to keep coming back after a period of relaxation.

In the usual cases of depression, undergoing psychotherapy with professional help and taking medication such as antidepressants usually relieve the symptoms. But for treatment-resistant depression, a simple treatment plan is not enough. They do not provide much help in dealing with the symptoms of depression, which do not improve.

What can be done about treatment-resistant depression?

If anyone is suffering from treatment-resistant depression where traditional treatment methods are not working, they can consult another expert in the area of such cases of depression. Typically, doctors recommend someone based on the person’s insistence.

Certain things are taken into consideration while determining the cause of treatment resistance and depression:

1. Identifying the root cause 

Based on the medical history, the psychiatrist may inquire about the condition of a person to identify the root cause of depression.

2. Analysis of previous history

Based on the treatment plan previously received, the specialist analyzes the treatment plan and the person’s response to the medication. The doctor might change the course or adopt a new technique, change or increase the dosage, or add new medications, which may produce more effective results.

3. Ruling out the effect of others substance

Factors such as diet and supplements other than prescription drugs are reviewed. This is done to determine what substances were taken by the individual other than prescription drugs. Sometimes the effects of addictive substances, such as tobacco and alcohol, prevent the drugs from effectively working. This causes the drug’s mechanism to fail, stopping it from producing the results.

4.Modifying the treatment

 The medicines for psychiatric problems work slightly differently than the traditional medicines for non-psychiatric problems. These direct our nervous system and affect our brain to treat the condition. Some people may consume unprescribed drugs with the intention of instant relief. These drugs backfire and interfere with the natural workings of medicine.

5. Presence of other health conditions.

Most of the cases of depression also involve people having multiple health conditions, such as thyroid, chronic pain, heart problems, etc. These condition further worsens the depression.

6.Presence of other mental health conditions

Often times,there is a presence of multiple mental illnesses, as well as depression, which can make it difficult to treat. Anxiety, depression, personality disorders, biological disorders, and other conditions may be present in such cases. Such multiple conditions require a more intensive approach and a more effective treatment plan for recovery.


Use of psychotherapy (psychological counseling) in treatment-resistant depression

Like any other form of depression,treatment-resistant depression can be effectively treated with psychotherapy by professionals. For better results, psychotherapy in combination with daily therapy works best in cases of depression. It can help deal with symptoms of depression and rewire the brain to stay calm by affecting certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters.

Psychotherapy involves various forms of counseling with psychotherapists that help the client navigate the challenges of depression.

A counseling session can help you cope with symptoms of depression in your daily life and learn how to deal with them.

  • It can help with the experience of emotional trauma caused by stressful events.
  • It can help with relationship issues.
  • It can teach people how to effectively manage stress in life.
  • It can help deal with substance abuse problems with specialized therapies.

CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)

It is a form of therapy that helps to address our personal feelings about something. It evaluates how we feel toward something and tries to alter negative highs in the mind by association with positive thoughts.

Family therapy

This form of therapy involves a collective approach to counseling people with depression along with their family members. It is to develop a better understanding of depression and its effect on a person’s life.

Mindfulness techniques

Mindful strategies are also found to be beneficial in the recovery process for depression. It is also meant to help navigate their thoughts and behavior and become more conscious of them.

In conclusion, treatment-resistant erosion can be treated effectively if met with the right approach. The recovery route may take time filled with multiple challenges, but patience and support are necessary in these cases.

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