What is the right approach for depression treatment?

depression treatment

The world saw many changes in people’s minds and bodies after COVID-19 relaxation in 2022. After the lockdown completely ended, people were still struggling with the effects of the pandemic and Corona, both physically and mentally. Apart from all the challenges, the rise in cases of depression was also drastic. New practices have developed all over the world to deal with the mental health challenges in different countries.

Depression is a complex mood disorder. A mental condition that hampers our lives in all areas, including personal and professional. Depression is defined as a persistent state of sadness, low self-worth, hopelessness, and many other characteristics that make a person’s life miserable. Depression’s severity and effect can interfere with regular life, making it difficult to carry out normal activities.

What are the ways to treat depression?

Despite being so widespread and challenging, depression can be effectively treated with a combination of medications and psychological counseling. Some forms of depression do not require medical intervention, and people can easily recover.

There are different approaches taken to treat depression based on its symptoms, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

What are the different techniques for depression treatment?

Several treatments and interventions are adopted by mental health professionals and doctors for depression treatment. They are as follows:

Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling, or psychotherapy, is an effective way to treat an individual with depression. Counseling done by psychiatrists or psychologists shows positive results in a healthy recovery from depression. Psychotherapy, in combination with drug therapy, provides the most significant results. It helps in dealing with the symptoms of depression, while counseling helps a person deal with psychological challenges.

In cases where counseling doesn’t work for the person, there are different approaches they can take for their treatment. Some cases of depression require different and multiple approaches to deal with symptoms if they keep coming back. Other forms of psychotherapy can be:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

The mental healing process can use a variety of techniques, depending on the patient’s previous treatment history. Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves addressing a person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions to determine the cause of the depression. It works by determining precisely what factors are influencing a person’s mood. It is an effective intervention for depression treatment.

Acceptance and commitment therapy

It is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. It deals with managing negative emotions and thoughts by resisting negative thoughts and engaging in positive emotions. This type of psychotherapy is helpful for the case of treatment-resistant depression.

Family therapy

Another effective approach to depression therapy is family therapy.

It involves counseling the family members of the person suffering from depression. This form of therapy improves interpersonal understanding among family members and raises awareness regarding mental health conditions. It can help identify the challenges a person with depression can face and how their loved ones are affected by it amidst everything.

Family therapy improves family as well as marital relationships during the process of depression treatment.

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

DBT helps in depression treatment by developing problem-solving skills and strategies. This approach to psychotherapy is beneficial for people who have suicidal thoughts and feelings about self-harm.Another technique that can help with treatment-resistant depression.

Group therapy. 

Group therapy involves a counseling session with a group of people struggling with depression. The people with treatment are encouraged by the mental health professionals who work to help them cope with depression by helping them share their thoughts and achieve their goals with the “you are not alone” notion!

Mindfulness techniques

Mindfulness techniques promote accepting our thoughts and making ourselves aware of our consciousness. It is based on believing and knowing about oneself without judgment.

How do you determine the right depression treatment?

The right depression treatment is determined through a combination of factors including severity of symptoms, individual preferences, medical history, and response to previous treatments.

Ask yourself!

Before beginning treatment, ask yourself this question: Is treatment truly the answer? I believe your opinions should be taken seriously. In some cases a person with random sadness assumes the worst about them. Before going from the treatment, take advice from your loved ones. If possible, then consult a professional to rule out the causes of depression.

The counselor  may initially develop your report based on history to determine the root cause of the depression. As a result, different approaches can be recommended and adopted by mental health professionals based on their severity and impact.

Knowledge of medical history

Before determining the treatment plan, the psychiatrist will first determine the presence of other health conditions, such as thyroid, heart problems, etc., that might interfere with the treatment plan.

Things to remember during treatment for depression

Remember to prioritize self-care, stay connected with supportive loved ones, and communicate openly with your healthcare provider throughout your depression treatment journey.

Be patient:

Remember It takes time and a lot of patience to recover from something like depression. It takes a multiple approach and trial-and-error method for medication to work sometimes. Psychotropic medication takes time to affect and it is a gradual  process. Be aware of and trust the process of counseling for the effective management of stress related to the cause of depression.

Medicine is not the only cure!

Do not solely rely on drug therapy. Medication helps a lot with the symptoms but overindulgence would be harmful in the long term as it might create dependence. Try changing your lifestyle habits such as diet change, exercise, walking, engaging in hobbies, etc can help boost recovery and divert your mind.

Talk to someone!

Remember, mental illness does not mean your life is going to stop. Yes, it is different and unbearable sometimes, but keep telling yourself that you are alone. Don’t forget the power of social support from your loved ones. Remaining in isolation, drifting apart alone can further alleviate the stress and symptoms. Sharing your thoughts with trusted family members and friends improves clarity of mind and expands the horizons of depression treatment for a better healing process.

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